Take your Art & Design practice to the next level

Creative business coaching for commercially minded artists, designers, and creative professionals.

Join one of ArtSHINE’s launch pad + accelerator specialist coaching programs and take your creative practice to the next level.

ArtSHINE is now offering enrollments in our launch pad + accelerator programs for commercially minded creative professionals.

For successful graduates these programs culminate in representation at an international art licensing trade show:

  • Surtex New York in February, or
  • Licensing Expo China in July, or
  • Brand Licensing Europe in October.

Express your interest now and find out more.

Are you a commercially minded creative professional?

What would you like to achieve?

  • Take my creative art & design practice to a commercial level
  • Plan and launch my new creative venture
  • Transition from full time employment to creative self-employment
  • Generate a sustainable income by licensing my existing work
  • Take my creative venture and artwork overseas
As a creative professional it’s always hard keeping up with all the changes and pressures in today’s fast paced world, let alone finding the time to doing all those “business things” like promotion, planning, sales, marketing, and business planning.

And all that while working in, and operating, your art practice… all day… every day!

As part of an ArtSHINE launch pad or accelerator program we provide you all the skills, experience, and support you need to take your creative practice to the next level.

Talk with us now and we’ll show you how ArtSHINE can work for you.

Graduate on the international scene

ArtSHINE’s launch pad + accelerator programs deliver formal training and ongoing support. We use ‘action learning’ principles (learn by doing) and provide business templates, tools, and resources, along with  our proprietary Quantum Compass OPIC action planning systems, and coaching. 

For successful graduates these programs culminate in representation at an international art licensing trade show:

  • Surtex New York in February, or
  • Licensing Expo China in July, or
  • Brand Licensing Europe in October.

So here’s your chance to take your art & design to the next level. Express your interest to find out more.

How can we help you?

“Access more. Achieve more.”

Cofounders Vinh Van Lam and Stuart Horrex bring decades of hands on, real world experience to ArtSHINE.

As a creative professional it’s always hard keeping up with all the changes and pressures in today’s fast paced world, let alone finding the time to devote to sales, marketing, systems development, business planning, and the long term strategy for your creative practice. And doing all that while continuing to create your work and manage your income too.

As the world moves faster and faster, getting ever more demanding and competitive, it’s becoming a more difficult and demanding time for artists, designers, and creative professionals. But despite these challenges, there’s never been a time of greater opportunity.

As an ArtSHINE launch pad + accelerator participant you’ll get access to the coaching, the training, the systems, the mentoring, and the expertise you need to create a sustainable enterprise that supports you in your creative practice. You’ll be able to scope and define income generating activities, clarify your purpose, and define what success means to you.

As part of the ArtSHINE community you’ll find inspiration, connection with other like minds, you’ll develop the entrepreneurial skills you need, and tap into the real work experience of coaches, mentors, experts, and successful practitioners. Plus you’ll get the support you need to make your creative dreams a reality.

Do what you love to do…honour your creative spirit… and let it “Shine” with ArtSHINE.

Who is ArtSHINE?

ArtSHINE industries is Australia’s independent creative industries launch pad + accelerator. We offer a flexible, practical, real-world approach to commercialisation, licensing, and entrepreneurial education.

ArtSHINE is focused on creating sustainable incomes for the artists, designers, and creative professionals we work with.

As a community, ArtSHINE brings together creative people who share ideas, experiences, and knowledge to improve their creative and entrepreneurial skills. We believe greater success comes through engaging with each other as we work (independently, but not alone) to create our own ventures in the spirit of collaboration and mutual encouragement.

Express your interest now and find out more.

Inspired by working with 100’s of creative clients over more than a decade, ArtSHINE has developed a proven system of business empowerment and entrepreneurial education for creative professionals. Quantum Compass business coaching for creative professionals and the OPIC action planning process resonates with artists and designers because it’s specially designed with creative passion in mind.

Make Tomorrow Today

Express your interest now and find out more.

is a 6 month program including:

  • Quantum Compass business coaching for creative professionals
    • Online group coaching for 6 months
  • Quantum Compass business discovery
    • Discover and define your business purpose
    • Training delivered via email for 6 months
  • ArtSHINE artist page
    • 12 month membership subscription
    • 30 image upload limit

Successful FIRST STEPS graduates are also rewarded with representation* at one international art licensing trade show:

  • Surtex New York in February, or
  • Licensing Expo China in July, or
  • Brand Licensing Europe in October.

* This FIRST STEPS reward for successful graduates includes:

  • Trade show representation (at one show)
    • Online catalogue; name & artworks
    • Optional printed licensing artist folio (additional cost)


  • Discounted prices for
    • Future enrollments in launch pad + accelerator programs

is a 12 month program including:

  • Quantum Compass business coaching for creative professionals
    • Personalised 1 to 1 coaching for 12 months
  • Quantum Compass business discovery
    • Discover and define your business purpose
    • Training delivered via email over the 1st program half, plus
    • Personalised 1 to 1 follow up, advisory, and support
  • Quantum Compass OPIC action planning 
    • Formal creative business action planning process – Write your plan
    • Training delivered via email over your 2nd program half, plus
    • Personalised 1 to 1 follow up, advisory, and support
  • ArtSHINE artist page
    • 12 month membership subscription
    • Unlimited image uploads
  • Art licensing coaching & advisory
    • Develop a plan and start your art licensing journey
    • 1 to 1 coaching and support for 12 months

Successful LAUNCH PAD graduates are also rewarded with representation* at one international art licensing trade show:

  • Surtex New York in February, or
  • Licensing Expo China in July, or
  • Brand Licensing Europe in October.

* This LAUNCH PAD  reward for successful graduates includes:

  • Trade show representation (at one show)
    • Your name and artwork featured on a designated wall panel
    • Online catalogue; name & artworks
    • Optional (additional cost) printed (8 page) licensing artist folio (discounted upgrades also available)
    • Pre and post trade show coaching and support


  • Optional pop up galleries exhibition (additional cost/subject to availability)
    • Build your audience, personal brand, and profile
    • ArtSHINE coaching, advisory and support as you plan and host your art exhibition at an ArtSHINE galleries venue
  • Discounted prices for
    • Optional pop up ArtSHINE galleries exhibitions
    • Your future enrollment in the accelerator program

is a 12 month program including:

  • Quantum Compass business coaching for creative professionals
    • Personalised 1 to 1 coaching for 12 months
  • Quantum Compass OPIC action planning 
    • Formal creative business action planning process – Refine your action plan
    • Training via email over your 1st program half, plus
    • Personalised 1 to 1 follow up, advisory, and support
  • Quantum Compass OPIC business model + business plan
    • Formal creative business model – Refine your model
    • Formal business plan training – Enact your plan
    • Training via email over your 1st + 2nd program half, plus
    • Personalised 1 to 1 follow up, advisory, and support
  • ArtSHINE artist page
    • 12 month membership subscription
    • Unlimited image uploads
  • Art licensing coaching & advisory
    • Develop a plan and move towards commercialisation
    • 1 to 1 coaching and support for 12 months

Successful ACCELERATOR graduates are also rewarded with representation* at one international art licensing trade show:

  • Surtex New York in February, or
  • Licensing Expo China in July, or
  • Brand Licensing Europe in October.

* This ACCELERATOR reward for successful graduates includes:

  • Trade show representation (at one show)
    • Personalised branding
      • Your name brand and artwork featured on a designated ‘branded’ wall panel
    • Online catalogue; name & artworks
    • Printed (8 page) licensing artist folio (discounted upgrades also available)
    • Pre and post trade show coaching and support


  • Membership of the ArtSHINE licensing artist community with ongoing (ad hoc) coaching, advisory, and support
  • Optional pop up galleries exhibitions (additional cost/subject to availability)
    • Build your audience, personal brand, and profile
    • ArtSHINE coaching, advisory and support as you plan and host your art exhibition at an ArtSHINE galleries venue
  • Discounted prices for:
    • Further (optional) pop up ArtSHINE galleries exhibitions
  • Eligibility to join future ArtSHINE delegations to international art licensing trade shows at discounted prices
  • Eligibility for ArtSHINE’s exclusive commercialisation fast track

Who is ArtSHINE?

We’re here to empower you generate sustainable incomes through meaningful, viable, and sustainable creative businesses.

Founded by Vinh Van Lam and Stuart Horrex, ArtSHINE is on a dynamic and inspiring mission to accelerate the success of commercially minded creative professionals.

ArtSHINE is always seeking commercially minded artists, designers, and creative professionals ready to formalise their creative practices and generate ongoing income streams by connecting to experts, networks, and capital.

We offer you a flexible, practical, and real-world approach to entrepreneurial education programs and creative business coaching.

Come join with us as we innovate, create, share bold and engaging work, enrich creative practices, advance sustainable enterprise, and strengthen local communities.

Register and express your interest in one of our launch pad or accelerator programs today.